”Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
John F. Kennedy
About the book
This book provides a glimpse into the theory, methods and models used in trend forecasting so that everyone can become wiser. The book is number four in a series of books published by pej gruppen on trend research, also known as trend sociology. The first book was published in 1997 under the title ‘Trends in time’.
The second book was released in 2002, and was reprinted in 2003, with the title ‘Trend Sociology’ and written by Poul Erik Jakobsen and Louise Byg Kongsholm.
The third book was published in 2015 and written by Louise Byg Kongsholm and Cathrine Gro Frederiksen, a new and different co-author to ensure a new and fresh perspective combined with forty years of experience accumulated in pej gruppen.
This is the fourth book on trend sociology – and now in English so that more readers may be able to become smarter at understanding and forecasting trends.
Why is it called trend sociology?
Trend Sociology deals with the compound concept and discipline of ‘trend sociology’, a term which was defined in the first book released in 2002 by pej gruppen.
Sociology is the interdisciplinary discipline that forms the background for the analysis of change of individuals and groups in a dynamic world. Trends are the manifestations of these changes.
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Louise Byg Kongsholm
Louise Byg Kongsholm is CEO and owner of pej gruppen – scandinavian trend institute, and back in 2002, when she was a student in Aarhus, Louise wrote the first Danish book on trend sociology, together with the founder of pej gruppen, Poul Erik Jakobsen. The book was published again in 2003 in a revised edition and has since been the basis for the consulting practice of the company and has served as the curriculum at schools and colleges.
Louise Byg Kongsholm has a theoretical background as MSc in Strategy and Leadership and she has lived in London. She has worked as a strategy consultant at Lego for 5 years and she has been a part of pej gruppen since 2007, where her first task was to write a book about consumer behaviour and life stage segmentation.
In 2011, she took over ownership and management of pej gruppen, and she is currently CEO, author, lecturer and consultant, as well as Chief Editor at two Danish trade magazines, TØJ and 365DESIGN, as well as the periodical TID & tendenser.
In 2014, she was a co-author of ‘Cross Channel – full integration or your money back’ on the future of retail, a book that was published again in 2016 in a revised version with the title ‘Cross Channel 2’. The bestseller retail books were followed up by the book ‘Total Ret@ail’ in 2018.
“As a trend sociologist, I constantly decode the spirit of the time and consumer behaviour to keep track of what’s happening right now. I couple this with the trends that await ahead – both the major trends that can have long-term consequences and minor trends that can be translated into products and services right here and now”.
pej gruppen publishes seasonal trend books for the fashion and interior industry, holds conferences on colour trends, retail trends, food trends and strategy, sells international trend books and colour systems, etc., and has a total of 20 employees.
pej gruppen is active on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, and every six months there is a new team of interns involved in everything from trend materials to editors on the three media TØJ, TID & tendenser and 365DESIGN. (please visit pejgruppen.com for more info).
Follow/connect with Louise Byg Kongsholm on Linkedin for insight into trends.

Cathrine Gro Frederiksen began her official work as a trend forecaster with focus on strategic foresight in 2010 when she founded her company Alikelihood. Since then, Catherine has experienced remarkable success on the Scandinavian trend scene and consulted large and medium-sized companies, mainly in the food and lifestyle industries, about what drives trends from micro to mega level, as well as how you can actively use these in innovation and strategy.
In 2010, Cathrine Gro Frederiksen graduated as a Business Designer from The Chaos Pilots, an entrepreneurship and design school in Aarhus, Denmark. She was trained in Strategic Foresight by Mat Lincez from Idea Couture and trained in trend spotting by Louise Byg Kongsholm from pej gruppen. She has a big understanding of diverse cultures, having lived in Berlin, Shanghai and Toronto, and currently divides her time between Tokyo and Copenhagen.
“To be a trend spotter requires a great deal of empathy. You must be able to familiarise yourself with what people want and need – right now and in the future. I constantly spot new potentials and trends on my way. It can be online, when I’m out travelling, talking to people or exploring my own city. The trick is to choose which opportunities to run with and which to leave to others to pursue. It is in the tension field between trend spotting, design and strategy that companies can find value and competitive advantages”.
Follow/connect with Cathrine Gro Frederiksen on Instagram: @cathrinefrederiksen or on www.alikelihood.com.
What they say about the book
"I find it quite complete; a compulsory reading for any person who wants to join the realms of trends research."
Violeta González
Trends Researcher & Content Manager
The book has been published by pej gruppen, which is a privately held company established in 1975. We spot, analyze, and communicate future trends to professionals in the lifestyle industries. pej gruppen employs trend researchers, designers, analysts, journalists, art directors, and a range of specialists on a freelance basis.
pej gruppen
scandinavian trend institute
Bitsovvej 2
DK-7400 Herning
Phone: +45 9711 8900
[email protected]
VAT: DK-8455 2828